Aidian's portfolio grows in East-Central Europe with point of care systems LabPad® and LabPad® Evolution
LabPad and LabPad Evolution systems from Biosynex are now available through Aidian offices in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary.
LabPad and LabPad Evolution are small and portable instrument-based systems intended to be used in point of care for rapid information to support treatment decisions. The patented microfluidics technology offers the system users reliable results from only a small drop of whole blood causing the patient minimal discomfort of sampling.
Both systems are connectable and designed to fulfil the special needs in point of care from both hygienic and easiness of use point of view. The LabPad instrument measures INR value (International Normalized Ratio), Prothrombin Time (PT) and Quick Time (QT). The LabPad Evolution measures besides INR and PT, also COVID-19 Antigens and SARS CoV-2 antibodies. More analytes are currently under development for LabPad Evolution.

Recently both systems were shown in one of the largest congresses for General Practitioners (GPs) in the Czech Republic. The congress participants welcomed the simple to use devices, which give reliable results in point of care. Interest was shown especially towards testing for antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 as having this test taken at the GP office is effortless and saves a lot of time for the patient.
More information about the products: LabPad Evolution brochure
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